Originally published @November 5, 2015
The past few months for me have seen unprecedented growth in multiple areas. My preeminent passions are beginning to propel me at godspeed. I am the bamboo, densely packing my roots for what seems an eternity, 'til I break from the confines of scarcity and stretch my branches into an endless expanse of artful abundance.
All must begin from theory—the gateway to application. We may only begin learning to walk when we see it done before us; much the same, we benefit greatly from engaged minds in our lives. We learn to learn, in much the same way the great pioneers of ancient and future times have and will always learn—by seeing and by doing. We learn because we can, and—get this—he who can learn to learn can learn a whole lifetime's worth.
A wise man once told me he's been a musician for over 50 years—and there is still something new to discover nearly every day.
A wise man once told me he spent several thousand dollars on books dealing in typography & theory. He made it a habit to learn their concepts well, and made a point of putting them into application upon each conclusion.
A wise man once told me to read 15 minutes a day, and gave me a kick in the rear with a Kiyosaki classic. It's been just three months; already books are piling on my shelves, my thoughtmass swelling with each new acquisition.
A wise man once told me to slow down when and where necessary. He likely realized how direly I required such direction, its benefits extending far beyond the art of spoken word inflections.
A wise voice tells me I'm headed in the right direction.
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