Originally published @March 27, 2017
i’m amazed at how a system so completely removed from my day-to-day life still drove such an deep impact on me.
the whole process felt completely .. standstill.
for a tug. waiting
tug after tug. waiting
into this room. waiting
now into this one. waiting
now it’s your turn. waiting
now here’s some fluids. waiting
now be a good little patient and just keep waiting
we’ll back with your statement, soon.
here’s some TV to busy your eyes
so you don’t realize how much time we’re gone.
here’s Connect Four and some spinning wood blocks for the kids you don’t have because they need color and tactility
but you can content yourself with reality TV…
reality shows how dreary the system is.
we sit in cold sterile rooms with only our shadows for company.
somewhere inside a private company so lifesaving for some
and so inefficient for us.
just one more unnecessary inefficiency in a world filled with every tech tool we could possibly need to eradicate every unnecessary inefficiency. a world lacking implementation. a result of greed
a result of not thinking.
cause it’s not really about efficiency, is it ?
it’s about experience.
i didn’t get frustrated because it took forever,
i got frustrated because i noticed
what could’ve made time fly ?
what about computers so i can get some shit done ?
what about books at least.
what other creative solutions are out there,
waiting only for someone to speak up
some of me got frustrated that i spent 8 hours in a cold sterile hospital
but other me asks —what did i get out of it ?
i got 8 hours of mostly alone time with my lovely partner in crime—far more than usual
i got this story
and i got a lesson
a reminder that it’s not always about efficiency
it’s about experience
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