Do your habits come in cycles?
Two weeks ago, I started playing the piano again. Well, touching it.
Every time I see Adam French I’m reminded how much I love making music. And so, without fail, I spend the following week or so re-inspired to become proficient enough in an instrument that I can become a contributing member to musical jam sessions.
I resolve to touch the piano at least five minutes a day. I know I enjoy it, and I know I just need to keep touching it in order for my vision to come true a year from now.
But what happens two weeks later?
I lose touch. I let one day slip by where I don’t play the piano, don’t practice a scale, don’t touch it at all. It sits right next to my desk, yet I go an entire day without touching it… then two… then a week.
And the next time I see Adam, I’ll be reinvigorated to play again.
The same goes for writing. Today is my first day writing in this log again since September, but I only wrote consistently from May – July.
We know things like piano and writing can be incredibly therapeutic, yet it’s so easy to fall out of the habit. We want to develop habits, yet even after two months it’s possible to lose them.
What habits do you struggle with?
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