Originally published @June 28, 2013
Buzzing about my mind right now is some form of sensing, akin to sin, sensation, an elation of feeling
Peeling off my aura in incredible waves and revealing a truer nature than my heart could ever brave
Oh Wondrous Whims, save me from this phase in my life as I try to highlight the things, — what things?
the things that make me imagine what else there could've been. (the things we all wish coulda shoulda woulda been)
Not akin to my acquantainces, since my relationships, have been faded since high school
but my soul thanks God, in light of foolish thought I've returned to rightfully earn the medium of coolish-hot
Not a condescending term, a sort of irony, that's all. Sorry if you can't keep up with an intellectually fast ball
An intellectually fast-paced wordy rat race kind that takes you on a trip to an entirely different state of mind
Puzzled by the same things he gladly chooses not to consume and
If it was mine, I would do what everyone else says to do, the main thing that'll get you through
What is that, you ask? simple: get through, life's cluttered clues with no regrets, grudges, or dues.
Although getting them all's nearly impossible, to some who don't see, the challenge is rather compelling,
As the rest of us have come to learn, and love makes its way, leaving behind the burns of its mental plague
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