That’s why
I wish somebody would talk to you like this
Keep it real about all the career opportunities that exist
If you listen to the old generation tell you what’s out there waiting for you
You’ll probably don’t wanna go out there at all do you?
Talking bout
Going to college and trading your financial stability for a good degree
Something they promise is supposed to guarantee your job security?
The truth is, that’s bullshit! You only need two things to get a job
And hear me when I say your career doesn’t have to be a slog
Yes you gotta work hard and smart to get ahead
Especially if you’re not a white male — But that doesn’t mean you have to dread
Going to work every morning,
It’s possible to do work you love, build the career you’ve been dreaming of
Not just possible, actually
It’s your damn duty!
It’s your duty to yourself, to your future spouse and kids,
To NOT stay stuck in a job that just pays rent
You just have to question the idea that all you see is all you get
There’s a whole world out there waiting for you to make the click
It’s time to turn off autopilot,
put both hands on the wheel and fucking drive
The world is waiting for you to discover and do what makes you come alive.
That’s why
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