Originally published @October 19, 2016
Power to make thoughts come to life
Not aware of it
(Continuation of sphere)
- narrator is the shadow side of main character, treated like two separate entities but never interact or describe
- Goes to ASU open mic comedian
- Sees self in audience, vaguely remembers attending
- At q and a, comedian asks old self question, interacts
- Asks a few more people
- Then asks new self same question, says you already asked me
- Comedian realizes character is not really supposed to be there, gets freaked out, argument begins
- Fight breaks out, breaks window & throws him out 7 stories
By this point he is figuring out that his thoughts seem to be manifesting
- Attends political rally, goes to the front and argues at politicians
- Crowd gets mad, Reps start admitting to shady things
- People get more upset and take politicians hostage
- He leaves, goes to make a call
- On the phone with someone
- Sees tiny rats on his face in booth reflection
- Angry girl throws glass bottle at him
- Sees truck racing toward him
- Dives out of booth, truck crashes past, sees banner advertising to release politicians
- Runs toward restaurant, climbs to balcony level, switches coat, walks calmly back downstairs
- Same girl crosses him in the stairs, he acts like he doesn't know her and starts pleasant convo
- She knows him though and fires back
- Me says I'll explain, they turn to leave
- Tackle her into grass, roll and land in lake
- Swim on top of her as she's freaking out ... mushrooms bobbing in water ... dream ends
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