Originally published @October 28, 2014
v Should always be fresh v
side - not necessarily half
Speaking directly to one's good or bad
Believe in the good nature of people
Perds pas ton français mon pote
"Sharing is ..." 5 second spots
It's caring
Making Light of Sharing - (S)haring
ShareStock - ShareShares - share(s)
Universal language
The road to telepathy
Mind connection
Iv2 hookup
from top user curated content
Complete with accurate information
Literally your field of vision right now
Perspective shot
Everyone recording everything automatically
Standardization of the human race
Future of the Internet
Nov 6
Universal Language
Icons man
Proper translation
Woul have sucked
Almost cancelled the new note
Langage universel
les icônes sont supérieurs au texte.
when everyone speaks the language;
be reworked. It's easy communication
Politic has warped language but it can
Freedom redefined
Infinite vs limited ends
Psychological effect of writing upwards
x years?
Evolution of communication
More icons instead of text
Jobs; Apple
A better way to do this - faster or easier
Ça les fait dérailler
Always en arrière
Conversation littérale
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