Originally published @June 28, 2021
- Headed to state park to climb & swim
- Interacting with kids, helping them learn
- Clubhouse nearby
- Mom playing with kid
- Suddenly, loud exclamations from people outside
- Rush out to see dark, churning clouds overhead
- Notice that clouds are descending all the way to the water’s surface, almost in tornado fashion but without the spin. Just collapsing into water ever so gently
- People in the water underneath these sections are able to swim up into the clouds
- When clouds disconnect from water surface, they trap people up there
- Some people having fun with it, some people scared
- I wade out into the water to experience this for myself
- I’m floating on my back & a cloud center descends over me. I suddenly feel pinned between two layers, unable to move - get freaked out about drowning
- Cloud makes contact and suddenly I am swimming around, disoriented, short on air and desperately trying to find it
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